Friday, December 02, 2005

Why I ate breakfast at noon was more like 11:30, but noon sounds more dramatic. Today is friday and I do not have class, or much of anything to do. In fact, my plan was to stay up late last night and sleep in today. Unfortunatley, there were no movies on television, it was really really cold outside, and I can only sit at the computer for so long. Giving up at 11:30pm (that's last night, not to be confused with my breakfast), I got ready for bed, read a chapter in my book, and fell asleep. I suppose we can call the amount of light here "0", assuming that this is the least amount of light I observed over that last twelve hours. Keep reading to follow my train of thought...

Having established our left most end of the light continuim at "0", lets make the far right "10". We'll call it "10" because this is a number we are all comfortable with when dealing with number scales. I could have used "5" but it weakens my upcomming analogy. "100" also works, but I think after "10" people have a hard time conceptualizing degrees of difference, kind of like Americans have a hard time conceptualizing weather in terms of the celcius scale. What does "7C" feel like? Actually, we Americans use Farenheit which goes above "100" and below "0", but I don't think we really know the difference between "65F" and "66F". Nevertheless, this is a discussion for some other time. Most importantly it is bad for my lets move on. To summarize, we are calling "0" the least amount of light I observed at 11:30pm Dec.1st 2005, and "10" the highest amount of light I could hypothetically observe on a bright day with the sun overhead (optimal visibility etc...).

Ok, so I woke up at about "0.5" light. I understand this number is not on the scale, though we never specified if I was using integers or not. Continuing on...So I decided that no one should be awake at "0.5" light and went back to sleep. At "1" light, I was no longer tired, but I decided to lay in bed in contempt of the darkness. "1" light decided to stick around, so I got up and went to the bathroom and turned on a few lights in my place. This artificially lighting makes it look like "8" light in my place, but it was still "1" outside. After turing on my computer, doing my daily check up on world news, and catching up on e-mail correspondence, I realized that I was very hungry. Realizing it was about "2" light outside I decided that eventhough it was probably still the middle of the night, I was going to eat breakfast, stay up, and just deal with my sleep schedule being off. After pouring myself a bowl of cereal and peeling an orange I looked at a clock. It was, in fact, 11:30am with "2" light outside.

After sorting through many mixed emotions, I decided that I was relieved to have not ruined my sleep schedule, and that Estonia is a dark dark country in the Winter. It is currently 12:35pm with about "4" light outside. I think this may be our peak for the day, perhaps we will climb to "5" light if the clouds break up.

Because I have a few errands to run, and I prefer to do them during the day (which we have estabilished seems like perpetual dawn), I must end this posting. I am living in a daily race again the sun. Thru Dec. 22 we will loose aproximatley 5min.of light a day. It's wild!


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