No,... that's not a dead camel
The weather in Estonia is exceptionally nice at the moment. Because of this and rampant boredom, I decided to take a solitary excursion to the Tallinn Zoo (Loomaaed). I always take my camera to zoos, botanical gardens, and naturey things to satisfy my secret desire to work for National Geographic, perhaps capturing life at its most beautiful, raw, or (insert favorite adjective here) time. Just today I finally got around to looking through my pictures from this trip. Given my special affinity towards animals with humps (see previous blog Love at Last), I was shocked and deeply disturbed to find the above image among my that one dead?! Continuing to scroll through my pictures, however, I discovered that I had apparently visited the zoo during nap-time, observe:
1. sleeping pig-thing
2. Sleeping Tiger
3. As I remember, went to sleep shortly after I took it's picture (polar bear)4. Sleeping Birds...doesn't look like they would be flying off anywhere anyhow.
These American eagles bring me to the next hallmark of my zoo adventure. Aside from the occasional species from the Caucuses (very interesting in's another beast of burden sort of way), you can also see the rare and exotic animals from the Western Hemisphere. Now, don't get too excited. Many of you have probably never seen these outside of captivity and nature documentaries. Behold!:
1. The fox2. A WolfNevertheless, my zoo journey prooved to be a welcome break from my laregly glutonous and slovenly schedule. So to you Eesti Loomaaed, I say "Bravo!" Thanks for the three hours of sun saturated flora and fauna from the far reaches of the globe. Not only did you make me feel closer to home, but the nap I took on the bus home afterwards was especially refreshing and inspired.
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